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Enterprise Web3 Applications


Advanced platform to leverage the full potential of Decentralised Solutions
We build solutions using Distributed Ledger Technologies

Blockchain is creating a new revolution by enabling enormous opportunities for industries to innovate and create value-based ecosystems. By leveraging blockchain technologies, industries can collaborate and create frameworks to ensure trust, transparency, and transformation using Web3 applications. We are constantly improving our expertise, skills, and capabilities to remain at the forefront of blockchain innovation.

That’s exactly what we do at SmartFalcon.

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Web3 Solutions

Web3 solutions are technologies that enable the decentralisation of web applications and web services. They are based on blockchain technology, which provides a secure, transparent, and immutable digital ledger for recording and validating transactions. Web3 solutions provide developers with the ability to create decentralised applications (dApps) and interact with decentralised networks and protocols. It offers users the ability to take control of their data and the security of their applications.

Web3 Solutions for
Permissioned Enterprise Solution

SmartFalcon’s Web3 solutions for permissioned enterprise solutions provide a secure, user-friendly platform for businesses to access and manage their digital assets. Our solutions allow businesses to manage their digital assets and data, as well as track transactions, in a secure and cost-effective manner. We provide advanced features, such as multi-signature authentication, digital asset management, and distributed ledger auditing, to ensure that businesses can securely and confidently manage their digital assets and data. We also provide a suite of tools and services to help businesses optimize their digital asset management processes, as well as automate their transaction tracking. Our solutions are designed to provide businesses with the most advanced solutions.

Web3 Solutions based on
Public Crypto Network

Web3 solutions are decentralised applications (dApps) that run on public crypto networks such as Ethereum, EOS, and Tron. These dApps are used to create secure and trustless digital services for users, businesses, and organisations. SmartFalcon is a platform that provides users with access to a wide range of Web3 solutions built on public crypto networks. They offer a suite of products that enable users to securely manage their digital assets, create and deploy decentralised applications, and interact with a variety of smart contracts. Additionally, they provide a range of tools and services that can be used to develop and deploy dApps in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

Use Cases
Supply Chain

Supply chains are at the heart of delivering products to customers at the right time and at the right cost. No matter what type of product an organization creates or trades, a reliable, entrusted supply chain network is essential to maintaining customers' satisfaction and meeting financial targets.

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Blockchain has the potential to completely transform the automotive landscape. Every process in the automotive value chain, like purchasing, manufacturing, distribution, and service functions, benefits from blockchain technology thanks to its distributed, immutable, and transparent nature.

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There is great potential for blockchain in manufacturing. By increasing visibility across all areas of the process, from suppliers, and supplier quality, to shop floor operations, which include machine-level monitoring and service, blockchain can allow for an entirely new manufacturing business model.

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The financial industry is recognizing the transformative impact of blockchain technology to generate new revenue, deliver process efficiency, improve end-user experience, and reduce risk. This enables real-time, multi-party tracking and administration of bank securities and letters of credit and more.

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SmartFalcon Advantages

Once entries have been committed to the distributed ledger, they become part of a permanent history. Any attempt to change the history is practically prevented since the sequence of cryptographic signatures will expose the change. This provides a robust defense against errors, fraud, or systematic attacks against data.


Any party or system that can access the distributed ledger can inspect the data recorded on it. Participants have access to the same information on the distributed ledger. This feature, combined with the lack of a central authority or limited involvement of a central authority, has the potential to reduce fraud and eliminate reconciliation costs.


The data on the distributed ledger is replicated across many (often all) nodes that form the network. The failure of one or even many systems forming the network is tolerated because there will be many other nodes that continue to run and support the operation of the ledger. For example, the Bitcoin network currently has over 12,000 ‘full nodes’ distributed globally.

No controlling party

The operation of the distributed ledger is not dependent on the systems, ownership, or business continuity of any one organization. This means such an organization cannot exert negative influence over the operation of the distributed ledger.


The distributed ledger can "scale horizontally" both to meet a growth in demand by applications and to support higher resilience. In addition, the network can scale globally to support international growth; applications then access more local nodes, which results in lower latency for API calls.


Distributed ledgers benefit from strong cryptographic techniques to secure the data recorded on them. Also, they are distributed and data synchronized across the network provides extra security against point attacks including denial of service or attempts to modify the content of the ledger.

Decentralization and disintermediatione

DLT enables direct transfers of digital value or tokens between two counterparties and decentralized record-keeping, removing the need for an intermediary or central authority that controls the ledger. This can translate into lower costs, better scalability, and a faster time to market.

Automation and programmability

DLT enables the programming of pre-agreed conditions that are automatically executed once certain conditions hold. This is referred to as “smart contract sections”. In contrast, in a DL, the counterparties by definition agree the moment the transaction is completed, as both have the same record of the transaction. Also, the result of the execution of the “smart contract” itself will take additional time to propagate and be reconciled in a traditional ledger system.

Cost reductions

According to some estimates, distributed ledger technology could save the financial industry alone around $15-20 billion per year. DLT offers the potential for significant cost reductions due to removing the need for reconciliation, as DLT-based systems by definition contain the “shared truth” and hence there is no need to reconcile one version of “truth” with that of one’s counterparties.

Enhanced cybersecurity resilience

DLT has the potential to provide a more resilient system than traditional centralized databases and offer better protection against different types of cyber-attacks because of its distributed nature, which removes the single point of attack.

Increased efficiency and speed

Traditional paper-heavy processes are time-consuming, prone to human error, and often require third-party mediation. By streamlining these processes with blockchain, transactions can be completed faster and more efficiently. There’s no need to reconcile multiple ledgers, so clearing and settlement can be much faster.